I'm interested. What do I do?
Age 35, Male
super hero
Joined on 11/4/07
I'm interested. What do I do?
the voice of a man in love
Depends, how much dialogue? Any specific accent?
I need someone who speaks English
I play girl or boy :)
send me a sample of her femininity
sure i guess except im really bad dont hire me
what is bad other pros can be good for me ...
or not...
Only if you need a song about Luis.
is a romantic story ... I think the song of Luis will not match
though he is very sexy
Someone who speaks english and has an English accent?
sending sample now
VEIO!!!Happy Harry, TomFulp???
Brasil matando a pau aki no NG!!!
Someone who speaks english? Or speaks with an english accent?
I'll voice the man.
If you're still looking, I'm up for it. I don't have a character demo, but here's an example: <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/307106">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/307106</a>
The quality will be better than it is in that clip. Also, check out my site. If you have any questions, you can contact me there.
Antes de voce tomar sua decisao, posso lhe fazer uma suggestao?
Porque escolher alguem talentoso mas limitado como o HappyHarry, quando voce poderia escolher alguem que pode fazer vozes tanto em Ingles como em Portugues? Alguem como.... eu!
É sério, da uma olhada nos meus voice demos (<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/193568">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/193568</a> ou <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/197809">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/197809</a>), eu tenho alguma experiencia fazendo voice acting e assim voce poderia fazer flashes simultaneamente em Ingles e Portgues!
Eu simplesmente adoraria trabalhar com alguem ridiculamente talentoso e insano como voce. Especialmente pela sua insanidade.
ahah muito bom
Send me the lines
I can voice any character that doesn't talk. =)
quem sabe eu possa ...
Gabriel boiola /\
I am, your work is fantastic.
:<> cool